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Volume 12 – July 2013

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Your workouts aren’t always tied to a rack and now neither is EliteForm. We’re happy to announce that EliteForm Paperless is now available to help you send workouts to your athletes when they’re away from the facility or to stations throughout your room.

Designed to work with any mobile device or tablet, EliteForm Paperless receives workouts created from our StrengthPlanner system, allowing athletes mobile access to their cards and training programs. Just another way EliteForm is expanding the role of technology in athletic performance.


New to EliteForm? EliteForm Paperless comes bundled with our StrengthPlanner system for $6,000. Current users of StrengthPlanner Standalone or StrengthPlanner Integrated can add EliteForm Paperless to their solution for $4,000. Each option carries with it a 10% annual fee beginning at the end of your first year of use.


EliteForm Paperless is available from your sales staff at EliteForm. To start using EliteForm Paperless, please contact:

Works in the weight room or on the road

Athletes need workouts that go with them rather than workouts that they need to take with them (and sometimes forget). In your facility, you can design stations or kiosks where athletes log in to view their workouts as they move from building to building or area to area. When your athletes leave your facility, they will always have exactly the workout that you prescribed on their phone or tablet. Paper is forgotten, but who forgets their phone?

Forgotten paper costs money to reprint. You save money with EliteForm Paperless by not printing. Because you don’t have to worry about printing costs, you can update your workouts as needed based on your goals and plans rather than the costs of a ream of paper.

Coach Derek Frese from Nebraska Wesleyan sees the value in EliteForm for saving money conditioning.

“EliteForm’s paperless solution will definitely save us time and money by cutting back on paper cost with the 300+ programs that we are printing off for our athletes on a regular basis”.

EliteForm offers you one solution that works on any smartphone, tablet or computer. EliteForm provides your athletes access to workouts through an interactive web page, especially designed to support any device.

Works alone or Integrated

EliteForm uses StrengthPlanner as the hub of all activity. Paperless pulls from StrengthPlanner just like PowerTrackers in the Integrated system. Whether your print workouts, view them from PowerTrackers in the Integrated system, or view them on a kiosk or mobile device, all workouts pull from one source.

When EliteForm is used in conjunction with EliteForm Integrated, data from a set completed on an EliteForm Integrated PowerTracker can be viewed on an EliteForm Paperless device. Even your data travels with you with EliteForm Paperless.

Individually or as a Group

Your athletes can view individual workouts on their phone. If you want your athletes to train as a group, they can access workouts on a tablet. Paperless quickly lists your athletes program. Athletes will know which exercises to complete, the order in which you want exercises performed, and which exercises should be grouped. Tailor instructions to the team or individuals using notes. You can specify tempos or rest intervals to help your athletes best attain the goal that you want for them. Your athletes can simply view, go and mark complete.

EliteForm Paperless will keep you informed when your athletes need to make a change. Athletes can edit the weight used for sets during a workout. Athletes can also indicate if they completed fewer or more reps than prescribed in a set.


Your data integrates with StrengthPlanner reports. You can view a session’s results for your athletes by using the built-in reports in StrengthPlanner. You can see who worked out by viewing the ”Daily Exercise” report in StrengthPlanner.

EliteForm Paperless simplified Coach Derek Frese from Nebraska Wesleyan’s summer workouts and allowed Coach Frese to manage his athletes regardless of their location.

“I love how the EliteForm Paperless solution allows me to view reports and actually see if my athletes are doing their workouts.”



EliteForm Paperless solution will definitely save us time and money. Aside from helping us cut back on paper cost with the 300+ programs that we are printing off for our athletes on a regular basis, it will help to eliminate the problem that I seem to have on a regular basis, and that is athletes coming to my office asking for another copy of their specific program. With almost every college student carrying a smartphone nowadays, EliteForm Paperless solution now puts the student athletes strength program right at their fingertips. EliteForm Paperless solution has been great for my incoming recruits and my athletes that aren’t on campus over the summer months. They can’t use the excuse of losing their workouts because they can now access them on their smartphone, a tablet, or their laptop. I love how the EliteForm Paperless solution allows me to view reports and actually see if my athletes are doing their workouts. This will definitely help hold all our athletes accountable.

EliteForm has helped change our strength and conditioning program drastically over the last couple of years. Their software allows us to personalize every athlete’s program. Their PowerTracker units help us to make real time changes to an athlete’s program quicker than ever. I had some of my athlete’s doing a power workout with the PowerTracker unit where we wanted to work in a certain range of velocity and power output. A majority of my athletes could maintain the specific power output up to 80% of their 1RM, but one of my athletes was producing a consistent power output all the way up to 90% of his 1RM. So, I made an immediate change to his program right there at the rack. PowerTracker along with the new Paperless solution helps us as strength and conditioning coaches hold our athletes accountable because we can monitor their progress even when we aren’t at the rack with them. It has literally cut my work load from creating programs in half. I can’t imagine going back to the old way of having tons of Excel documents and files of lifting data. I have all that stored in StrengthPlanner now. With the rate of development I have seen from the guys at EliteForm, I am confident that there will more great things to come.

Derek Frese C.S.C.S.
Nebraska Wesleyan University

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We’ll be happy to keep you up to speed

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