Exercises are the activities performed by Athletes as part of their Workout Sessions. In StrengthPlanner, you can associate a Weight Unit Type (pounds or kilograms) and a 1 RM calculation to an Exercise. This additional information is used by StrengthPlanner during the creation of strength cards. You can also specify whether the Exercise should be included in the team’s list of Performance Tests.
Click Exercises from the Team Setup menu to access the Exercises page.

Create a New Exercise
1. Click Add on the Tool Bar.
2. The Add Exercise box is displayed. Specify the appropriate values.
To save and create additional Exercises, click SAVE & ADD ANOTHER.
To save and close the Add Exercises box, click SAVE & CLOSE.

1 – Name – The name of the Exercise.
2 – Weight Unit Type – Indicates whether the weights used for the exercise is pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg).
3 – 1RM Calculation – The calculation used to determine the RM value of the Exercise. Enter ‘1’ to track 1 RM values for this exercise and if no 1 RM calculation is required. Click the VALIDATE button to verify the calculation entered is valid. View example 1 RM Calculations.
4 – Exercise Group – The Exercise Group(s) with which the Exercise will be associated. When an Exercise is associated with an Exercise Group, it is displayed first in the Exercise drop-down of those Exercise Groups.
5 – Tracker Classification – Specifies the algorithm that will be used to track an Exercise. Tracker Classifications are:
Barbell Deadlift
Barbell Unspecified
Bench Press
Front Squat
Hang Clean
Hang Snatch
High Pull
Incline Bench Press
Overhead Jerk
Overhead Squat
Power Clean
Squat (Down Camera)
Squat Jump
Trap Bar Jump Shrug
Trap Bar Unspecified
Video Only
6 – Performance Test – Indicates whether the Exercise should be identified as a Performance Exercise.
7 – Target Type – Indicates whether the default Target for the exercise is “Average Velocity”, “Peak Velocity”, “Average Power”, or “Peak Power”.
3. The new Exercise is added.
Note: Any changes made are saved automatically. The status of saved changes is displayed below the Tool Bar.

Edit Exercise
1. To change the name of an Exercise, just make the change on the Exercises page.
To change the 1 RM Calculation/Formula, click next to the 1 RM Calculation/Formula column.
2. The Edit Exercise – 1RM Calculation box is displayed. Make the appropriate changes to the 1 RM calculation and click SAVE.

Note: Any changes made are saved automatically. The status of saved changes is displayed below the Tool Bar.

Delete an Exercise
1. Select the Exercise to delete.

2. Click the Delete button on the Tool Bar.
3. The Delete Exercise box is displayed. Click YES.

Note: Any changes made are saved automatically. The status of saved changes is displayed below the Tool Bar.

Example 1 RM Calculations
Example 1 – Establishing a Basic Exercise Calculation
The Bench Press Exercise is identified as having a 1 RM value of “1” by entering “1” in the 1 RM Calculation/Formula field. When an Exercise has a value of “1”, it is available to be used as part of calculations for other Exercises.

Example 2 – Establishing an Exercise Calculation Based on Another Exercise Calculation
A calculation needs to be specified for the Military Press Exercise. The Military Press should be 85% of the Bench Press 1 RM value.

Enter “0.85*{” in the 1 RM Calculation/Formula field. When “{” is entered, a drop-down listing all Exercises with a 1 RM value of “1” is listed. Select Bench Press from the drop-down.

After Bench Press is selected, enter “}”.

When the Military Press Exercise is listed for an Athlete whose Bench Press 1 RM is 200, its 1 RM value is listed as 170 (85% of 200).
Example 3 – Establishing an Exercise Calculation Based on Athlete Body Weight
A calculation needs to be specified for the Squat Exercise. The Squat should be 1/2 of the Athlete’s body weight.

Enter “{BW}/2”, where “{BW}” indicates body weight and “/2” indicates that amount will be divided by 2, in the 1 RM Calculation/Formula field.

When the Squat Exercise is listed for an Athlete whose body weight is 200, its 1 RM value is listed as 100 (1/2 of 200).
Note that exercises using Weight Unit Type of “kg” can not reference body weight in 1 RM calculations.
Example 4 – Establishing an Exercise Calculation that Allows for Same Weight Entry
A calculation needs to be specified for the Squat Exercise. The Squat should be the same weight for all Athletes.

Enter “0*{Trackable Exercise}+100”, where “{Trackable Exercise}” indicates any available Exercise that is tracked by PowerTrackers, in the 1 RM Calculation/Formula field.

This formula allows a specific weight to be entered in the LOAD (1 RM%) column in the Workout Designer.